It’s freaky how the sun and moon, because of their relative sizes and distances, create both “total” solar and lunar eclipses . . . just saying . . .
Here’s why Natural-Wonder/Cosmos geeks are making this into a planetary “Woodstock” celebration:
It will be the most-viewed eclipse in history.
The United States is the only country to see it.
Good reason to day drink.
- Crosses entire USA from Oregon to South Carolina.
- The next one isn’t until April 8th, 2024—Carbondale, Illinois will see both.

Map geeks like me are not just interested in our planet, but other planets, and the universe itself.
Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has a total solar eclipse
Jupiter has a triple eclipse when three moons cast their shadows on the planet simultaneously
Events like this are a good time to take measure of how small our planet really is—a grain of sand on a vast beach. It’s also a good time to use all of your humanity to say life is amazing.

NASA has been so generous in sharing all data about the event, and encouraging the use of its data and maps.